Aired on Treasure Island Oldies – Aug 04, 2024
In 1981, a British historical sports drama film directed by Hugh Hudson, written by Colin Welland, and produced by David Puttnam succeeded in winning four of seven Academy Awards for which it was nominated.
It is based on the true story of two British athletes in the 1924 Olympics: Eric Liddell, a devout Scottish Christian who runs to feel the pleasure of God, and Harold Abrahams, a Jewish Englishman who runs not only to win but to overcome prejudice.
In producing the movie, Puttnam reached out to a Greek composer to create the score. The composer accepted the assignment because, in his own word, “It’s a nice, healthy, pure film. I like the Olympic Games and I did it for fun.”
That fun assignment resulted in a 1982 Oscar for Best Original Score that was complemented by awards for Best Picture, Best Original Screenplay, and Best Costume Design.
After the announcement of the winner for Best Original Score, a friend of the composer called him in England at 4:00 am UK time. The composer, Evangelos Odysseas Papathanassiou, known professionally as Vangelis, had been out the night before celebrating his birthday. In a People magazine interview, he recalled, “Over the phone I could hear the television and a big party in the background. This incredible thing was going on and I was in bed.”
The instrumental theme for the movie also found its way to the Billboard Hot 100. By May 1982, it was atop that chart as well as holding down the #1 position for Adult Contemporary music.
The theme originally entered the Hot 100 in December 1981 with the non-descriptive title of simply “Titles.” By the eighth week on the chart it had a new title. It experienced a long time at the top of the music podium—twenty-one weeks, longer than any other single.
Like the true story of the two British athletes who competed in the 1924 Olympic Games, the movie theme, “Chariots Of Fire,” symbolizes the achievement of glory through magnificent human sacrifice. And it’s this week’s Tom Locke moment in time.
YouTube videos of this song: